Unfortunately I will be flying. I originally said said I would only fly for a family emergency. Well... this kinda is, since we haven't seen each other in a month and a half. I wanted to take a combo of bus and rail, but given the fact that we only have a weekend together, I'm flying instead. At least I can feel a little less guilty because I'm not producing as much CO2 as if I were driving to Portland.

I highly doubt I will be posting anything for the next several days, but expect something come Monday on my experience/thoughts on Portland.
Yeah but the emissions at altitude have some sort of profound exponential effect on the atmosphere, compared to ground-level co2 emissions.
I'll drive you to Whitefish (Amtrak), after MAST, if you can dump that airline ticket.
Hey man, go ahead and bust, and you know, I would be surprised if previous commenters hadn't flown anywhere in the past year. Just sayin'
Lewis, how many trees will you need to plant to offset your ride?
I know a place that needs trees if you are interested.
I tried to take the Empire Builder once(between Chicago and Minneapolis), and it was sold out. It should run twice and day, and it should run faster.
Anonymous 2... And where would that be?
The fact that I have to take a bus one of two directions to catch the train makes for an inconvenient situation. But, you now what, we're working on getting that fixed.
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